Wednesday, August 3, 2022

How To Create a Web Homepage That Drives Clicks?


Are you ready to launch your new business online? Now you can sell your business products directly from your site with GBusiness. Our free best website builder has a lot of advanced features that can help you drive sales and grow your business rapidly.  

Grabbing the attention of visitors who visit your website is essential if you want them to connect with you. Thus, creating an effective website homepage is like being a good party host. The homepage of your website should make your visitors feel welcome, as it should provide an atmosphere that is easy to navigate and helps them to find what they need. 

When you start with building a website in GBusiness, then you will begin with selecting a homepage layout that should have important elements to engage a larger and larger audience. Starting with attractive graphics, add contact information, a subscription form, a column for testimonials, product blocks, etc. You can use this homepage layout as a trusted guideline while designing a website that fits your unique brand. Apply these basic tips to put your visitors on the right path.  


Visitors Who Are Not Ready to Fully Commit Might Engage with These Homepages  


  • Checklists help to get new visitors to think about what they want to accomplish, and suggest to them how your business can help them.   

  • Articles and blog posts can position you as a resource or you seem an expert in your field, and let your audience know that you are a good source of information.  

  • Email newsletters offer you a great chance to start communication with visitors who shared their contact when they leave your website  

  • Testimonials are the best way to illustrate users’ experiences and showcase your great work to visitors. When you build a website with GBusiness, a testimonials space automatically populates on your sample homepage. You can edit this section to reflect your style.  


Keep it Simple  

When it comes to adding all the things that your homepage needs, it is essential to keep it simple. A visually overwhelming website page with lots of images, text, colors, carousels, animations, or callouts can be overwhelming and end up turning visitors away. 

Keep the design of your homepage consistent with the rest of the website. With a GBusiness website, you can easily upload elements from the content studio to your business website. 

Once your website is running, ensure that you are regularly checking your reports page to monitor success and review different aspects of metrics like views, signups, clicks, and revenue. 



Start Right  

The effort you have put into creating and crafting a welcoming or engaging homepage experience can pay off every day. Once your website homepage is built, create a genuine plan to make updates that will keep it in line with audience priorities. Updates to copy, content, and design will keep your website homepage looking engaged and fresh to visitors. You will also get free website subdomain to design your website.  

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